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Learn though play 

Kookaburra follows the EYLF Curriculum in which play is the foundation for learning. The EYLF provides opportunities to explore, discover the world around them, communicate, imagine and create all through play.


Outdoor Play

We schedule time each day for outside play, coats and beanies on in winter. Hats, water play and under the shade cloths in summer. Crunchy leaves in autumn and flowers in spring, the children can experience all four seasons in our beautiful garden.


Learn through play

Young children learn best by playing and doing and through play they learn to form relationships with adults and other children.
By actively being involved with objects, people and events, children can learn about the world in which they live and how to be part of it.


Daily programme

Our daily programme and room set up provides opportunities through the learning areas for children to experience all types of play. The learning areas reflect the EYLF outcomes and encourage growth in all the developmental areas as children work towards achieving their milestones and eventual transition to school.


Story park 

Staff share photos, observations and updates with parents via Storypark. Storypark is a digital service where staff and families can share your child's learning journey.

Programs: Programs
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